03 Apr Getting to know James Katsipis Fine Artist and Photographer
photography credit: BFA’s Madison McGaw
Tell us how you came into art:
Growing up in Montauk I was surrounded by a huge community of artists. Some of the most prolific artist lived and worked on the east end including DeKooning, Pollock, Shnabel and Peter Beard. Even Andy Warhol had a house in Montauk – this was all infused into my upbringing.
Where did you study?
I’m not classically trained. I had so many different mentors and artists whom I’ve worked and studied with including Peter Beard and Walter Iooss. There’s been a lot of trial and error on my part until I acquired my own style.
What are your inspirations?
Being an avid surfer and fisherman without a doubt the ocean is my biggest inspiration and muse. It’s where I’m always the happiest. I’m drawn to it, it is my church. Its where I go to put life into perspective and to get small and clear my head. The ocean is a great source of beauty and power – it can be quite humbling.
What is your form?
My photography varies. I shoot landscapes and oceanscapes as well as portraits. My fine artwork are abstract photos of the ocean.
Who are your customers:
I have all walks of life as customers. From the everyday Joe to CEO’s of hedgefunds. It’s so nice that my work can pull at the strings of so many different types of people. I just had my first solo show in Manhattan but I’ve shown all over the world.
What’s your next series:
My newest series of artwork is my ‘Blurz’ series. They are an abstract photo series of the ocean. It looks like brush strokes. If you ever see me shooting these at the beach it looks like I’m swinging my camera around angry.
Which series are you most proud of?
One of my favorite series of artwork is entitled the ‘Mermaids Of Montauk’. Its a black and white beauty series of women in and out of the water all around Montauk. I try to infuse the female form into landscapes,waterscapes above and below the oceans of Montauk that you might not usually see them.
Who inspires you most?
I’m inspired by so many different photographers from so many different styles its hard to narrow. It’s ever changing. Growing up I loved Walter Iooss. His use of light for his portraits was out of this world. I love adventure photographers like Chris Burkard. His nightscpapes of the northern lights in Iceland. He really instilled a sense of adventure for me. I’m also drawn to a lot of classic old street photographers like Diane Arbus and Vivian Maier. Capturing day-to-day life through a unique perspective. I try to borrow bits and pieces of all of them and wrap it into my own style. I’m also inspired by my agent (and girlfriend) Courtney ‘Coco’ Daniels of Courtney Daniels Consulting whom has helped take my career to a new level over the past two years.